release yourself

release yourself
At Understatement we believe feminine self-expression should be celebrated and explored in all shapes. No matter how you choose to express yourself there should be no limitations. With Release Yourself we wanted to highlight movement and expression without any uncomfortable restrictions. So we’ve gathered some of the best Swedish dancers to release their feminine self-expression on their own terms.

“Dancehall, for me, has really helped me highlight my feminine and sexy side. Dare to show it and stand by it and be incredibly confident in my self-expression, and I LOVE IT! The strive to give women more space, and once they get that, there’s no shame. All women should express themselves exactly as we want to and be proud of our bodies just as they are.”

"In short, dance means everything to me. It has shaped and strengthened me. It has taken me to places I would never have gone to otherwise.
I feel the best when I dance, and who does not want to feel that?”

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