Cassandra is a singer, model and body activist who inspire and motivate thousands of women every day by inviting them into her life through her Instagram in a liberating and uncensored way.

When do you feel happy?
When I feel rested, and my diseases aren’t costing me too much pain. When I have fun things going on and when my loved ones are well. When I’m in nature. When I take a bath. When I’m surrounded by my friends. When I’m with animals and when I’m on a stage singing.

What’s on your bucket list?
To heal my inner child, to become a mother and to see more of the world.

What advice would you give the 15-year-old Cassandra?
I just want to hug her and say that none of what happened to her is her fault. And that one day she will understand that.

#Womantowoman is a tribute to all incredible women. During the month of March we will share stories of some of them - an evolving love letter to and for women.